The Liver Building

VAWG/Immigration Advice Symposium


Speaker: Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins, Liverpool City Council Cabinet Member for Communities, Neighbourhoods and Streetscene- lead for the VAWG strategy

Date: Wednesday 8th May, 2024

Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm

University of Liverpool event space


***Almost full – just a few places remain***

Liverpool Law Society is facilitating an important symposium taking place on Wednesday 8th May. The symposium was proposed by Liverpool City Council. The symposium is also facilitated by University of Liverpool and University of Law and shall address the need for better advice to be provided to women and girls facing violence against them, particularly those from immigrant communities.

It shall work towards strengthening the relationship between Liverpool City Council, elected representatives, immigration and family legal representatives and advice agencies. Aims include:

  • Building better working relationships between partners.
  • Discussing how we can establish more efficient referral links.
  • Understanding how support agencies can be upskilled to better support lawyers.
  • Share knowledge and good practice between partners.
  • Exploring grant funding and commissioning opportunities.

James Mannouch (Chair – Access to Justice Committee) says “This is a serious attempt to address an important issue. By law firms, advice agencies and local authorities working together, we can allocate resources in a more effective manner. Law firms are encouraged to attend to explore referral links and grant funding“.

For more information and for anyone wishing to register, please complete the online registration form by using the ‘Book now’ button towards the top of the page.