Useful guidance on using video and telephone to connect to court or prison
HM Courts and Tribunals Service has released new and updated information on the overall approach to audio and video technology for courts. It includes:
new legislation
open justice
media access
oaths and affirmations
communications between legal professionals and clients
There is also a user-facing guide to what will happen and what you need to do when the court determines your hearing should be heard by audio or video.
New protocol for the effective handling of custody time limit cases in magistrates’ and crown courts
The senior presiding judge and HM Courts and Tribunals Service have established a temporary framework during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic for the efficient and expeditious handling of cases that involve a custody time limit in both magistrates’ and crown courts.
This protocol does not create legal obligations or restrictions on any party, and does not override independent judicial discretion. Every case must still be decided on its own merits. The protocol will be reviewed monthly by the senior presiding judge who will determine when it will cease.
New guidance on keeping courts and tribunals safe, secure and clean
HM Courts and Tribunals Service has issued new guidance on security, cleaning and social distancing arrangements in court and tribunal buildings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.