Please see the message below from HHJ de Haas Q.C., Designated Family Judge Cheshire Merseyside and Gillian Best (HMCTS).
Further to the Family Court User Group meeting on 21st July, please kindly note the following:
- Draft orders must be produced and sent direct to the Judge within 72 hours of the hearing taking place. Please remember that when orders are sent to judges any lay party must not be included in the email
- In line with the direction within the Covid 19 suite of orders;
- the parties and their representatives shall provide telephone/email contact details to the Applicant’s solicitor no less than 48 hours before the hearing;
- the Applicant’s solicitors must provide the details to the court no later than 24 hours before the hearing. They must be sent by email to and the email heading must give the case number, date of hearing and the fact that telephone details/email addresses for the hearing are provided.
Failure to comply with this direction may mean the hearing will proceed in the absence of the party/parties.
3. In relation to hybrid hearings, parties must only attend court at their allocated arrival time and not before. The court is operating on a system of staggered start and arrival times for your safety and to allow for social distancing. You may be refused entry if you attend before your allocated time.
Thank you for all your cooperation and assistance.
HHJ de Haas Q.C., Designated Family Judge Cheshire Merseyside and Gillian Best (HMCTS)