HMCTS reform online event: probate, 4 July 2019, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) would like to tell you about their reform programme and how it’s changing the probate service. They will be holding an online event where they will introduce the journey so far, acknowledging current frustrations and their plans for the future.
They will provide a demonstration of the new online service for professional users and go on to explain the new paper route. They would also like to offer you the chance to ask questions and provide feedback.
The session is aimed at legal professionals making applications for a Grant of Probate. It will run for approximately 2 hours and will be recorded and available to watch afterwards.
HMCTS will deliver this event online using interactive technology to enable participation without the need to travel. During the event, you will be able to submit questions; the presenters aim to answer as many as possible in real time. HMCTS will respond afterwards to any questions not answered during the event.
You can also submit questions about this subject in advance using the event registration form or by sending an email to Please include your name, area of practice and organisation with your questions.
HMCTS will be using a webinar platform for this event. To make sure you can take part, we recommend you check your system’s capability here.
Sign up to this event here