LLS has been made aware of a National Audit Office survey on legal aid that closes 21 July. The NAO says:
“We are carrying out a study on whether the government’s provision of criminal and civil legal aid is delivering value for money and providing sufficient access to justice. See link below for further details on our study focus.
To help us with our report we would like to hear from legal professionals, and those who provide advice to individuals with legal issues, about your experience of the legal aid sector and the impact of the implementation of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO).”
You, your colleagues, your organisations may wish to respond to the survey. You can access it here:
Consultation on legal aid: Survey Powered by Webropol (webropolsurveys.com)
Why should you take part?
The NAO scrutinises public spending and helps parliament hold government to account. This is your chance to tell them the impact LASPO and the failure to increase legal aid fees has had on access to justice, and influence the findings of this report.