The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is engaging with the private sector to assess business readiness in respect of data protection, if the UK leaves the EU on 29 March without a deal. They would like your help to understand what businesses are already doing and what more you need from Government to help with this transition.
There is a survey to understand how you manage personal data flows in your organisation. To take part in the survey please click here
There is also the possibility of the DCMS having a roundtable in Liverpool in March on the issues around data protection. The roundtable would be both a fact-giving/information giving event but also a fact-finding exercise for the DCMS. A roundtable will only be organised depending on levels of interest expressed by the legal profession. Please let us know if a roundtable is of interest to you by emailing us at
The DCMS advise that “in the event that the UK leaves the EU on 29 March 2019 without a deal, UK businesses will need to ensure they continue to be compliant with data protection law. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be brought into UK law, meaning that current GDPR standards and existing guidance will continue to apply to businesses operating within the UK.
The GDPR contains additional rules to protect data that is transferred outside the EEA (known as restricted transfers). From 29 March 2019, if there is ‘no deal’, these rules will apply to data transferred from the EEA to the UK. This means that UK businesses must act now to comply with the GDPR rules on international transfers if they are transferring personal data across borders.”
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and HM Government are sharing guidance and advice to businesses and other organisations to help them understand how they will need to operate under a range of outcomes on data protection, and plan appropriately:
Guidance and resources to prepare for EU-exit
Leaving the EU – six steps to take
Detailed guidance on data protection if there is ‘no deal’
HM Government
Information on ‘No-Deal’ EU Exit and data protection
Data Protection if there is no EU Exit deal