An important update from the courts Please find a message from Her Honour Judge de Haas Q.C. below (dated 20 March 2020) I hope that you have all now read the President’s guidance. This…
Liverpool Law Society moves online Changes to courses, events and meetings Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and Government advice regarding social distancing, Liverpool Law Society has decided to move all meetings, events…
Coronavirus information & links for the Legal Sector Below are a number of links to coronavirus-related information from such organisations as the Government, the Law Society, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, legal sector mental health and well-being…
COVID-19: HMCTS planning and preparation An update for professional court users 9 March 2020 Coming to court You should continue to use courts and tribunals as usual. Any changes to individual hearings will…
The Law Society needs solicitors’ help for the 2020 brand campaign Building upon the success of last year’s campaign, the Law Society Solicitor Brand Campaign 2020 will promote the value of solicitors to members of the public and business…
News from the Employment Lawyers Association Please join ELA’s Employment Law Counsel Instructions Monitoring Scheme to help ELA to promote equitable briefing of counsel Last year, ELA’s Management Committee ran a pilot scheme amongst…
Liverpool Law Society held Pathways to the Legal Profession on 12th February In keeping with the Society’s desire to be inclusive and encourage entry to the profession from all backgrounds, Year 12 students from all schools and colleges across Merseyside…
Consultation on Liverpool City Council’s Draft Equality Objectives What they are consulting on Liverpool City Council is reviewing its equality objectives and wants your views. Liverpool City Council are committed to achieving equality for all by…
The Justice First Fellowship Scheme What is the Justice First Fellowship Scheme? The (“JFF”) scheme was established by the Legal Education Foundation (“LEF”), a registered charity, to fund training contracts across the country…
Newly Qualified entrants welcomed into the legal profession Liverpool city region newly qualified solicitors, fellows of CILEx and barristers were welcomed into the legal profession at Liverpool Law Society’s celebration event on 30th January 2020. Julie…