University of Liverpool School of Law and Social Justice: Professional Mentoring Scheme 2020/2021
The Professional Mentoring Scheme has been running in the Liverpool Law School since 2007, and is part of the School’s ongoing commitment to student employability. Law graduates face an increasingly competitive job market. To secure a career in the law or other area of work, in addition to gaining a good degree, graduates also need to acquire a range of practical, professional and interpersonal skills that they will not necessarily obtain simply from attending classes. This is where the Professional Mentoring Scheme comes in!
Updates for the 2020/2021 Scheme
Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, and the forever changing ways in which we work, the Professional Mentoring Scheme 2020/21 will be run 100% online, with mentors and mentees encouraged to communicate via phone/email/video calling. The University feel that both mentors and mentees will still gain an awful lot from this experience, and will hopefully open some doors to further communications that may previously been hindered by physical locations.
Find out more
To find out more about this scheme, please access a helpful leaflet here
Get in touch
If you would like further information or if you are interested in participating in the scheme as a Mentor please get in touch with Sslly Russell or Becky Green.
Email – Employability.SLSJ@liverpool.ac.uk
Telephone – 0151 794 9866