This committee, chaired by Chris Topping of Broudie Jackson Canter, was created in January 2012 prior to the implementation of the LASPO Act. Its main remit is to look at access to legal advice and assistance particularly to those who are of limited means.
It has a membership of solicitors in private practice and third sector agencies including local university law clinics. It meets every couple of months, over a working lunch at Liverpool Law Society’s offices.
The Committee encourages pro bono initiatives, and organises conferences and forums involving private sector lawyers, third sector agencies providing legal advice such as Citizens Advice and law centres, local universities’ law clinics, local authorities from the Liverpool City Region, and members of the local judiciary.
The Committee also inputs into the agenda of Liverpool Law Society’s directors’ twice-yearly meetings with local councillors and MPs. The Society feels there is still a continuing role for lobbying, particularly to elected representatives, and the meetings enable the Directors of the Society to highlight areas of injustice as they arise with a view to arguing for the re-opening of access to Legal Aid in the future.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee and are a solicitor, please email Sarah Poblete