Steve Bletsoe
District Judge Michelle Campbell
Alana Davies
Louise Murphy is Head of Social Housing & Regeneration at MSB and has developed an in-depth knowledge of Social Housing law throughout her 15 year career. She has comprehensive understanding of housing condition claims, housing & asset management and is able to offer Registered Providers focused and pragmatic advice.
DDJ Chris Rafferty
Ben Reeve-Lewis has been a local authority enforcement officer dealing with harassment and illegal eviction for 35 years. He is also co-founder and Strategy Manager of Safer Renting, an independent non profit organisation providing a Tenancy Relations Officer service for 12 London boroughs and 5 in Suffolk, dealing with between 300 and 400 cases of serious harassment and illegal eviction each year. He has been a trainer of housing law since 2000 and is visiting lecturer in housing law at University of Greenwich and is contributing author to “Regulating the privately rented housing sector” published by Routledge books in 2023
Thomas Stockton is a Senior Associate Solicitor in the Social Housing team at MSB where he represents a large number of social housing associations. In particular, Tom specialises in disrepair, dealing with all aspects from pre-action protocol steps, to assessing liability and undertaking telephone ADR’s and settlement conferences. He also defends litigated disrepair claim brought against any client.