The Liver Building

Conducting Effective Advocacy in Family & Children Cases (online)


Speaker: Safda Mahmood

Date: Tuesday 26th November, 2024

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Areas of Law: Family

Competencies: B & C


Course Code: S4773


With more pressure on lawyers to do their own advocacy in family courts, it is necessary to become more confident and able in doing so. This course will equip you with essential tips in being able to conducting advocacy in all aspects of injunction/personal protection cases, private and public children. This will range from the initial hearings, directions hearings, case management hearings, interim hearings,  contested hearings and final hearings. There will also be advice surrounding covering Family Law Act applications for non – molestation orders and occupation orders, both ‘without notice’ and ‘return date’ hearings.

It will enable you to go through a series of hypothetical scenarios in this area. You will have the opportunity to read some documentation in advance of the course, so as to assist you with the scenarios that will be considered on the course and which will be typical of those faced in practice.

This online course will be of assistance to those lawyers acting for parents, children, extended family members and local authorities.

The topics covered will include amongst others, the following:

  • Understand good advocacy skills
  • Become more confident
  • Effective preparation
  • Advocacy at Family Law Act applications for non – molestation orders and occupation orders.
  • Advocacy in Private and Public Children Law Cases
  • Calling ‘Live’ Evidence
  • Making good opening and closing speeches/submissions.
  • Carry out effective examination-in-chief and cross-examination
  • Emergency Hearings
  • Contested Hearings
  • Directions Hearings
  • Case Management Hearings
  • Fact Finding Hearings


Assistance in being aware of the steps to conducting you own advocacy
Understanding the law and procedure, so as to use during advocacy
To understand key procedural rules relating to advocacy
This course will assist you to improve your confidence and efficiency in carrying out advocacy

Course Level: Intermediate

Can’t make the date/time or need to revisit the training? No problem, booking onto any online or hybrid event means you will receive a link to access a recording of the event at your leisure!

Speaker Biographies

Safda Mahmood, is a Senior Solicitor, with extensive experience in both practicing and teaching family law to practitioners, academics and trainees. Safda is on the Law Society Children Law Accredited Scheme. He has written in various legal publications and has been practicing in children law for over 29 years.


Member £175
Non-member £225
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